AUSL Launches New Advertising to Appear in Crain’s Chicago Business and the Chicago Tribune

Fast facts

Publish date: June 28, 2021
Categories: Other Helpful Resources, Uncategorized
Post author: ausldevelop

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Educational Equity Nonprofit Brings Excellence to Chicago Schools

The Academy for Urban School Leadership (AUSL) is an equity focused non-profit that works tirelessly with the belief that all students should have access to an excellent education. Since 2001, AUSL’s conviction for equity in education has impacted thousands of students and families who reside in under-resourced communities.

AUSL’s Chicago Teacher Residency (CTR) has trained 1,218 teachers. Over 80% of our 2021 CTR class graduates are teachers of color, and 54% are special needs teachers.

The Path Forward – AUSL has accomplished much in our short history. Now, as we formalize our plans for the next three years, we are firmly committed to continuing our strong partnership with Chicago Public Schools in helping transition our schools to the geographic networks, and training high-quality teachers to serve in schools with the greatest need.

The AUSL Chicago Teacher Residency seeks to:

  • Increase the supply of teachers in hard-to-staff subject areas (including special education, STEM, PE, and bilingual education) and in low-income communities where positions are most likely to be vacant
  • Help diversify Chicago’s teacher workforce
  • Ensure that incoming teachers are receiving rigorous and extensive training so that they are ready to provide high-quality instruction on day one
  • Improve the retention of early-stage career teachers

In keeping with our commitment to Chicago’s students in high need schools, AUSL will focus on leveraging our core CTR program and accelerate our strategies beyond Chicago to expand the successful experience here to other cities with similar challenges through our Advisory Services work.

Through an incredible partnership with DePaul University, we look forward to exploring the possibility of training even more new teachers. We invite our corporate and foundation partners and individual champions to support the CTR as an accelerant to other initiatives aimed at improving student achievement in under-resourced schools.

Our experience operating an innovation zone in the third-largest school district in the U.S. complements and catalyzes other school improvement efforts by ensuring that school leaders and principals are given the skills and support they need to be successful. By increasing the capacity of school leaders around the country, AUSL Advisory Services fulfills a unique opportunity to support schools and school districts nationally.

The Academy for Urban School Leadership (AUSL) is an equity focused non-profit that works tirelessly with the belief that all students should have access to an excellent education. Since 2001, AUSL’s conviction for equity in education has impacted thousands of students and families who reside in under-resourced communities.

AUSL’s Chicago Teacher Residency (CTR) has trained 1,218 teachers. Over 80% of our 2021 CTR class graduates are teachers of color, and 54% are special needs teachers.

The Path Forward – AUSL has accomplished much in our short history. Now, as we formalize our plans for the next three years, we are firmly committed to continuing our strong partnership with Chicago Public Schools in helping transition our schools to the geographic networks, and training high-quality teachers to serve in schools with the greatest need.

The AUSL Chicago Teacher Residency seeks to:

  • Increase the supply of teachers in hard-to-staff subject areas (including special education, STEM, PE, and bilingual education) and in low-income communities where positions are most likely to be vacant
  • Help diversify Chicago’s teacher workforce
  • Ensure that incoming teachers are receiving rigorous and extensive training so that they are ready to provide high-quality instruction on day one
  • Improve the retention of early-stage career teachers

In keeping with our commitment to Chicago’s students in high need schools, AUSL will focus on leveraging our core CTR program and accelerate our strategies beyond Chicago to expand the successful experience here to other cities with similar challenges through our Advisory Services work.

Through an incredible partnership with DePaul University, we look forward to exploring the possibility of training even more new teachers. We invite our corporate and foundation partners and individual champions to support the CTR as an accelerant to other initiatives aimed at improving student achievement in under-resourced schools.

Our experience operating an innovation zone in the third-largest school district in the U.S. complements and catalyzes other school improvement efforts by ensuring that school leaders and principals are given the skills and support they need to be successful. By increasing the capacity of school leaders around the country, AUSL Advisory Services fulfills a unique opportunity to support schools and school districts nationally.

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