An Evening of Cocktails & Conversations Brings Together Professionals Passionate About Chicago Education

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Publish date: November 1, 2023
Categories: AUSL in the News, News and Updates, News from the Network
Post author: Jacob Pieczynski

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A shared passion for high-quality education and community engagement brought professionals, educators, and Residents together for a memorable evening at River Roast in downtown Chicago on October 18th. AUSL’s Cocktails and Conversations is an event series aimed at inspiring and discussing the transformation of schools and communities.

Mark Bazer, the host and executive producer of The Interview Show, moderated the event, facilitating dialogues with the evening’s featured speakers, Kristie Langbehn, Deputy Chief of Network 8 in Chicago Public Schools, and Andrés Fernández, Executive Director of Serve Illinois. Together, they unpacked important topics like volunteerism, community service, the current school year’s challenges for Chicago educators, and the essence of genuine school transformation.

 “Do something so you want to belong to your community.” 

Andrés Fernández

Executive Director, Serve Illinois

Andrés Fernández, with 34 years of experience in nonprofit and government, shared profound insights about community service and the importance of youth and adult workforce development, especially for those with disabilities. His dedication served as an inspiration to all attendees, emphasizing the power of service and community involvement.

 “When I go into my building or my classroom, who can I affect today?”

Kristie Langbehn

Deputy Chief of Network 8 in Chicago Public Schools, Solorio Academy High School

Kristie Langbehn, an educational leader with over two decades of experience, provided a unique perspective on school transformation, academic improvement, and the vital role of partnerships in filling teacher vacancies within Chicago Public Schools. Her personal stories and valuable lessons left an indelible mark on the audience, reminding everyone that each day presents an opportunity to create a positive impact.

Thank you to Kristie and Andrés for sharing their wisdom and experiences, and to all the attendees for contributing to the success of the event. Special thanks go to our donors and partners who continue to make our work possible.

If you’re passionate about making a difference in education and want to stay informed about upcoming events and opportunities to get involved, don’t forget to sign up for AUSL’s newsletter.

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