Awards recognize residents living out CTR Values

Fast facts

Publish date: April 27, 2023
Categories: Uncategorized
Post author: Stephen Nielsen

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The Chicago Teacher Residency Values Awards recognizes residents who live out the CTR Values of Student Centered, Equity Driven and Courage to Persist. Leadership in the CTR recognizes the wonderful moments of each day and the impact residents have day-to-day with students. Five residents received awards during the Resident Professional Development days. 

Olivia Han, a first grade teacher at Deneen Elementary School was recognized with the CTR Value of Equity Driven.

“Olivia has consistently approached this residency year with a sense of urgency about developing her teacher voice to becoming a teacher that is responsive to the needs of her students,” said Shanna Anderson, Associate Director, CTR. “In addition to the urgency Olivia demonstrates, I would be amiss if I didn’t acknowledge her resilience.”

Blanca Sandoval, studying their Master of Science, teaches at Chalmers Elementary School and was recognized with the Courage to Persist award.

“Blanca is flexible, proactive and deeply dedicated to becoming a transformational teacher for her students,” said Carina Pruitt, Associate Director, CTR. “Her mentor is going to be out on maternity leave soon and she is not letting that phase her. She has taken this challenge and turned it into an opportunity to learn and establish herself as the lead teacher in her room. She is preparing to take the lead when her mentor is out, consistently building relationships with students and actively seeking feedback from all stakeholders.”

Eric Pruitt, Diverse Learner at O’Keefe Elementary School was recognized with two CTR Values Awards, Student Centered and Courage to Persist. 

“Eric continually thinks of students and puts them at the center of what he does,” said Melissa LaVine. “He expects them to be great and supports them in getting there. No matter what is thrown at him personally or professionally, he handles it in stride and with positivity. He is incredibly self-aware and is always wanting to improve in his growth areas.”

Leticia Terry, a third grade Math teacher at Lewis Elementary school was awarded the Courage to Persist.

CTR Associate Director Brook Carpenter says that “Leticia has been incredibly flexible with changes at her site and classroom, and focuses on what learning can come from it with a growth mindset.”

Barbara Evans, K-2 DL at Curtis Elementary school received the Courage to Persist award.

“Barbara has consistently operated at a level of poise and excellence,” said Jessica Kimbrough, Associate Director, CTR. “In the face of challenges, Barbara is logical, firm in her purpose and flexible. She is observant, flexible and often a place of encouragement for those around her.”

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