CTR Partnership School Job Fair

Fast facts

Publish date: April 24, 2023
Categories: News from the Network
Post author: Stephen Nielsen

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More than 50 Chicago Teacher Residency residents participated in the Partnership School Job Fair in March. The job fair brought in 20 schools to speak with graduating CTR residents. Some residents left the networking event with job offers in hand. 

“It was a wonderful job fair, residents looked sharp and the schools brought their swag,” Kate Peterson, Director of the CTR said. “There was conversation, laughter and excitement. Many residents expressed their enjoyment in meeting school teams they hadn’t previously considered in their job search.”

Carina Pruitt, Associate Director of the CTR organized the successful event. Peterson also heard that the schools appreciated meeting the well-prepared residents and the high quality of this year’s class; a testament to the residents, CTR staff, partner school DePaul University and AUSL’s partner schools in training throughout the past year.

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