Student Success: Emily Rivera-Paura

Fast facts

Publish date: August 15, 2019
Categories: Student Success Stories
Post author: ausldevelop

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[vc_row][vc_column][stm_title subtitle_enable=”true” title=”Emily Rivera-Paura”]

Solorio Academy High School, 2019 Graduate

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Major: Economics (Sociology Minor)

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Emily Rivera-Paura is very excited to attend her dream school, University of Wisconsin-Madison, as a part of the school’s Banner Program for out-of-state, low-income students with an excellent academic standing. 

One thing Emily did worry about was feeling underrepresented at her school as a first-generation, Latina woman. She was able to ultimately turn this fear into dedication.

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I wanted to be a Badger to represent my roots and my parents’ sacrifices. I want to impact the percentage [of diverse students] and hope to inspire others to challenge the status quo and enrich schools with culture.


Emily has been conquering her fears since before starting her college journey. Her junior year of high school, she received a scholarship to participate in the Outward Bound Program and embark on an intensive two-week expedition in the Colorado Rocky Mountains with 15 others.

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Going on this trip served as a reminder of my strength and ability to conquer any obstacle that comes my way.

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Emily will be studying Economics with a Sociology minor and aspires to become a social epidemiologist. She was introduced to the career path at a Solorio Career Day and was drawn to how they study global social structures and the presenters work on how females are perceived through social media in India.

Another female that inspired Emily’s future plans was a mentor of hers, Ms. Jade Lopez. Ms. Jade was Emily’s group mentor for the Working on Womanhood program, a youth guidance group that aims to work with young women who have been exposed to trauma in high-risk, under-resourced communities. She valued that Ms. Jade had similar interests to herself and the fact that Ms. Jade believed in her when no one else did.

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She taught me to be comfortable with fear and make lemonade from the sour-est lemons.

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